What is Grieve to Grow?

Grieve to Grow is a half-day workshop designed to help communities understand the importance of grief and the healing it brings. Grief is a normal response to loss. Everyone experiences it, and it will not be eradicated until we reach our eternal home. For most, grief begins a journey they do not want to take. Therefore, they tend to hide parts of themselves that keep them from fully experiencing their emotions. But this also keeps them from experiencing healing. Grief comes from many different losses—death, loss of a close relationship, divorce, abuse, miscarriage, and loss of health…just to name a few. Do you have people in your community who are experiencing grief but don’t know what to do about it? Do they have anger or sadness that they can’t explain? Do you want to learn how to help someone who is grieving? Do you want help in healing on your grief journey? Join us for Grieve to Grow as we look at how to recognize grief, how to find safe people to accompany us on our grief journey, and how to make meaning from our experience with the help and resources God provides.

Upcoming Workshops

Currently booking.

If you are interested in a grief group for survivors of suicide loss, please email me and I will send you the information. The group will meet Mondays online from 7p – 8:30p, October 2 through November 20th. Cost is $250 (payable in full by September 25th) which includes a welcome box with some materials and goodies. Spots fill quickly, so don’t hesitate to reach out. Please use the contact form to send an email.

Would you like your church or group to host a Grieve to Grow Workshop? Contact us for more information!

Recent Highlights

From Grieve to Grow Workshops

See What Others Are Saying

“I so appreciated how detailed and multifaceted Wendy described the grief experience.”

– Lois

“This subject is extremely important. It is the fear of grief that keeps many of us stuck.”

– Sarah

“This workshop was so rewarding and uplifting.”

– Kim

“Today was good. So real. So raw. So emotional. So healing.”

– Melissa

“There was so much wonderful information.  I felt like I had years of therapy rolled into one morning.”

– Anonymous

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