

to Delighted by Grace

The mission of Delighted by Grace is to come alongside those who are grieving and hold space for grief while providing compassionate support and biblical encouragement as one seeks to incorporate loss in a way that is manageable for living – because life will be beautiful again. But for now, it is painful.

Here’s a great reminder for us as we do the difficult work that grief requires of us: I Chronicles 28:20 NIVBe strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you…

Get your FREE 7-day Journal with Writing Prompts here!

Writing your grief story can be an important part of your grief journey because writing can be surprisingly healing. You are the expert when it comes to your grief. Even though there may be times that will be hard to push through, if you can give your ache a voice through writing, you may begin to feel some relief from the heavy load of grief that you carry.

Click below to get started on writing your grief story.

What is Grief?

It’s hard to put into words exactly what grief is because it is so different for each person, but yet it’s so universal. Simply stated, grief is a normal response to loss—any loss. It is a process in which deep sorrow is felt for the purpose of letting go of what was to make room for something new. I love Dr. John Townsend’s definition: letting go of something you can’t have in order to make room for something you need. It can be letting go of an unhealthy relationship to make room for a new, healthy one, or it can be letting go of the relationship you had with someone who has died and forming a new relationship with the memory of that person. Just because you lose someone to death doesn’t mean you can’t still have a continuing bond with them because love never dies. Sometimes, you just need to feel all the feels because denying your feelings will only cause them to grow and come out in other ways.

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How Can I Help?

Please feel free to share your story and any questions you may have surrounding your grief.

This website is for educational purposes only. Information listed is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure. This site is not a replacement for professional care.

Please see the Resource Page if you need help finding a professional in your area.

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