
Guilt and the Griever

Have you had a loved one die and find that you are carrying guilt? Maybe it’s a guilt that you couldn’t stop the death. Maybe it’s a guilt that you didn’t answer their last call. Or maybe it’s a guilt that you weren’t enough in some [...]

2023-02-19T20:57:11-05:00February 22, 2023|

The Art of Being Kind to Yourself

Do you struggle with an inner critic? You know that pesky little voice in your head that says you are “doing it wrong” or that you are such a failure… Internalized Messages Somewhere along the way you may have picked up and internalized someone’s critical words. [...]

2022-02-27T18:11:49-05:00February 27, 2022|

Learning is NOT Failing

Is there something you feel you have failed at? A relationship? A project? A goal? No one gets it perfect every time. It can take many tries to get to where you want to be. It took Thomas Edison 1,000 tries to make the light bulb. [...]

2021-04-26T12:37:58-04:00March 24, 2021|
