
What NOT to Say to the Brokenhearted

Guest Post by Rita A Schulte, MA, LPC Even people who have the social skills to be gracious in a variety of situations are frequently at a loss when it comes to finding the right words to say to those who have experienced a traumatic loss. [...]

2022-12-28T18:31:24-05:00December 28, 2022|

On the Receiving End

This title may be a little misleading with many people gearing up for football season, so let me just say upfront, this is not a football post! Last month, I wrote about how to be aware of your emotions as a grieving person. This month I [...]

2022-08-21T18:23:59-04:00August 24, 2022|

The Art of Being Kind to Yourself

Do you struggle with an inner critic? You know that pesky little voice in your head that says you are “doing it wrong” or that you are such a failure… Internalized Messages Somewhere along the way you may have picked up and internalized someone’s critical words. [...]

2022-02-27T18:11:49-05:00February 27, 2022|

Why Grace?

Grace. It’s a word that we hear a lot in Christian and secular circles, but what is it? Grace is getting something that is not deserved or earned. Grace implies life-giving, unconditional love! Without grace, we live a life of judgment. We are constantly seeing if [...]

2021-05-25T19:26:51-04:00May 28, 2021|
